Medical Team
What really sets apart the Instituto Cardiovascular Teknon (ICVT) is our large team of different specialists and how well they all work together for each patient. The ICVT covers all cardiovascular specialties and is staffed by experts in the use of advanced diagnostic tools and treatment. Our team is highly specialized and multidisciplinary.
- Angiology, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Service
Coordinator: * Dr. Enric Latorre Ráez
*Dr. Antoni Giménez-Gaibar *Dra. Cristina Puigdellívol Serafí *Dra. Cristina Puigdellívol Serafí *Dr. Ángel Rodríguez Jornet *Dra. Elena González Cañas - Clinical Cardiology and Coronary Care Unit
* Dr. Alfredo Cupoletti *Dr. Xavier Soler Consultor: * Dr. Jordi Rius - Cardiac Imaging
Dr. Carlos Paré Bardera Dr. José Tomás Ortiz Pérez Dr. Carles Vila Dra. Nadine Romera Dra. Gloria Moragas - Hemodynamics and Intervention Cardiology
Dr. Antoni Serra Peñaranda Dr. Faustino Miranda - Vascular Intervention Radiology
* Dr. Jordi Muchart
* Dr. Xavier Montañà
* Dr. Juan Macho - Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhytmia
* Dr. Enrique Rodríguez Font * Dr. Francisco Javier Viñolas
- Cardiovascular Surgery
* Dr. Miguel Josa * Dr. Marcos Murtra * Dr. Xavier Ruyra