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Make an appointment
Care setting
Intensive Care Unit
Health Centre
Comprehensive health service
Diagnostic Services Area
Emergency Department
Specialized treatment institutes
Instituto Oncológico Teknon (IOT)
Instituto Cardiovascular Teknon (ICVT)
Teknon Club
The best care
Personalised service
Personal grooming
The best assistance
External care
International Program
Other services
Discover Barcelona
International Program
International Visitors Program
Maritime Medicine Unit
Epilepsy Unit and epilepsy surgery
Specialized Units
Heart Institute
Cardiology and Coronary Care Unit
Angiology, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Cardiac Imaging
Haemodynamics and Intervention Cardiology
Electrophysiology and Cardiac Arrhythmia
Vascular Intervention Radiology
Cardiovascular Surgery
Renal denervation
Institute of Oncology
Breast cancer
Genitourinary cancer
Radiation oncology
Assisted Reproduction
Comprehensive study of the couple
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Check-up program
Comprehensive Check-up
Oncology Check-up
Cardiovascular Check-up
Sports Check-up
Dental Check-up
Plastic and reparative surgery
Facial surgery
Body surgery
Microsurgery / Plastic-reparative surgery
Aesthetic and anti-aging medicine
Medical Specialties
Specialized units
Assisted Reproduction
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Ovulation induction
Simple treatment which stimulates the ovulation process so that the ovaries produce and release a mature egg
Artificial insemination
Assisted reproduction technique that involves depositing selected sperm in the womb, timed to coincide with ovulation, with the aim of reducing the distance they have to travel to meet the egg in the fallopian tubes.
In vitro fertilisation
Assisted human reproduction technique in which the woman's oocytes are obtained from ovaries previously stimulated with a hormone treatment and then fertilised in the laboratory with the male partner's sperm to create embryos that, once adequately developed, can either be transferred to the patient's womb or cryopreserved.
Transfer of frozen or vitrified embryos
This technique involves thawing or devitrification of surplus embryos from a previous In Vitro Fertilisation cycle for another chance to achieve pregnancy.
Egg donation
Treatment consisting of using eggs from a donor.
Embryo donation
Method of assisted reproduction in which donated frozen embryos are selected and transferred to a recipient woman in an attempt to achieve pregnancy.
Egg vitrification
The most effective technique in egg preservation.