Teknon’s neurology service was voted best in Spain by the 2016 Índice de Excelencia Hospitalaria (Hospital Excellence Index, IEH) of the Instituto de Coordenadas de Gobernanza y Economía Aplicada (Institute for the Coordination of Governance and Applied Economy).
This rating is based on a survey of almost 1,500 health professionals from across Spain. It measures excellence according to the results and perceptions of the professionals working at or in contact with different healthcare centres. These results transcend the total number of services offered by each centre to focus on their quality and reputation.
For the second time in a row, Spain’s most highly valued hospital in terms of neurology (including epilepsy) was Centro Médico Teknon.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our colleagues for this recognition. It encourages us to continue to work on a daily basis to offer patients with epilepsy and their families quality service, both from a scientific and humanitarian point of view.
Surgical experience since we began treating patients in 1985
We have conducted 627 surgical interventions for epilepsy after having evaluated 3,147 patients (statistics from 1987-2016) first at Clínica del Pilar, and then at Hospital Quirón’s Epilepsy Program.
30.5% of these patients have required invasive diagnostic methods (deep intracerebral electrodes) before intervention.
Our post-surgery success rates are very positive: lesionectomies, over 80% seizure free; functional hemispherectomy, 70% seizure free; mesial temporal sclerosis, 70% seizure free, and temporal lobe epilepsy, 60% seizure free.
In other types of epilepsy resistant to treatment (frontal, parietal and occipital), we can eliminate seizures in up to 50% of patients, with the maintenance of adjunctive therapies with antiepileptic medication.